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slide resistance中文是什么意思

用"slide resistance"造句"slide resistance"怎么读"slide resistance" in a sentence


  • 滑触变阻器
  • 滑动电阻
  • 滑动阻力
  • 滑线电阻
  • "slide"中文翻译    vi. (slid; slid, 〔美国〕 slidde ...
  • "resistance"中文翻译    n. 1.抵抗,反抗,抗拒,抵御;敌对,抵抗力,反抗力, ...
  • "slide hollow resistance" 中文翻译 :    滑线式空心电阻
  • "slide wire resistance" 中文翻译 :    滑线电阻
  • "a slide" 中文翻译 :    一个滑梯
  • "slide" 中文翻译 :    vi. (slid; slid, 〔美国〕 slidden;sliding) 1.滑;(在雪或冰上)滑动;滑倒,滑掉。 2.改变位置,脱离原来位置;不知不觉陷入 (into)。 3.【棒球】滑垒;【音乐】滑动。 4.偷偷进入;潜逃,偷偷溜掉。 5.流,流逝;放任自流。 The book slid off my knee. 书由我膝头上滑落。 slide into bad habit 渐渐养成坏习惯。 The economy slid from recession to depression. 经济由退缩进入萧条。 slide from grave to gay 渐渐由严肃中欢闹起来。 vt. 1.使滑动;使滑倒;滑溜地进行。 2.用滑冰(等)消磨(时间)。 3.偷偷[轻轻]放进去,使溜进去 (in, into)。 let things [it] slide 听其自然;放任不管。 slide away 偷偷跑掉,溜掉。 slide over 略过,回避 (He slid over the delicate subject. 他对那个困难问题一点而过)。 n. 1.滑动;滑道,滑坡,滑轨;滑面。 2.土崩,山崩;雪崩。 3.【地质学;地理学】(层面)断层;冲断面;褶皱。 4.【棒球】滑垒。 5.滑动的部分;【机械工程】滑板;滑盖;滑座;【物理学】滑动片;幻灯片;(显微镜的)载片;【摄影】(照相机的)拉盖。 6. 【音乐】滑音,延音;长号的U形伸缩管。 7. (妇女保持头发整齐的)发夹 (=hair slide)。 a nodal slide 【物理学】测节器。 -r 1.滑动的人或物;(器械的)滑动部分。 2.【棒球】曲线球。
  • "slide in" 中文翻译 :    滑入
  • "slide into" 中文翻译 :    不知不觉地陷入; 不知不觉地沾染上…; 陷入
  • "the slide" 中文翻译 :    溜滑梯
  • "are resistance" 中文翻译 :    耐电弧性
  • "of resistance" 中文翻译 :    阻抗
  • "on resistance" 中文翻译 :    导通电阻; 开态电阻
  • "on-resistance" 中文翻译 :    导通电阻
  • "resistance" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.抵抗,反抗,抗拒,抵御;敌对,抵抗力,反抗力,阻力,【生物学】抗病性。 2.【电学】电阻;阻抗;电阻器。 electric resistance 电阻。 abrasive resistance 耐磨力[度]。 dead resistance 吸收[消耗,镇流]电阻。 passive resistance 无源电阻;消极抵抗。 a piece of resistance 主要品,压轴,出类拔萃的东西;主菜,压桌菜(=pièce de résistance)。 make some [no] resistance 进行[不]抵抗。 offer [put up] resistance to [against] 抵抗。 resistance welding 电阻焊接,电焊。 take the line of least resistance 采取阻力最小的路线;采取最省力的方法。
  • "resistance to" 中文翻译 :    抵制的; 对……的抵抗,阻力; 对…的阻力
  • "the resistance" 中文翻译 :    抵抗380
  • "slide; slide carriage; slide rest" 中文翻译 :    滑座
  • "slide(slide core)" 中文翻译 :    滑块
  • "adjustable slide" 中文翻译 :    调套导板; 可调整导板
  • "air slide" 中文翻译 :    空气活塞; 空气溜槽; 气垫输送; 气动溜槽; 气动输送; 气动斜槽
  • "altitude slide" 中文翻译 :    高度滑尺
  • "anaglyphic slide" 中文翻译 :    立体幻灯片
  • "ange of slide" 中文翻译 :    滑动角
  • "angle of slide" 中文翻译 :    侧滑角; 滑动角; 滑溜角; 起滑角
  • "antifriction slide" 中文翻译 :    减摩溜板


  • At present , the air conditioner compressor are the main export items , followed by electronic brake system , slide resistance system , axles and lamps
  • The sliding resistance mechanism of deformable earth bodies by means of well point drainage lies in lowering the underground water level to reduce the water content of the earth bodies and raise the shear strength , improve the stability of the deformable earth bodies and increase their sliding resistance
  • Abstract : this article introduces a new sieve covering . it features as follow ; slot wit h standardized dimension ; smoth surface ; low sliding resistance ; little risk of clogging ; fabricate and raplace singly ; high wear & erosive resistance . and research on how to adjust sieve parameters to separate the mixture that diffcult to filter
  • For jiangpinghe double - curved arch dam , 3 - d elasto - plastic fem is made , in which the point safety factors of the dam - abutments system and the safety margin for coefficients of sliding resistance on 7 potential sliding blocks of the dam before and after the reinforcement of the dam are calculated under the conditions of the normal storage level and the design flood level respectively based on the results from the analysis made with fem
  • The layer analysis model of the three - dimensional limit equilibrium analysis of slope stability based on the similar mechanics of bishop ' s method and spencer ' s method , and the corresponding concepts of image of slide resistance factor spectrum of slide resistance factor n image of pull force distribution and spectrum of pull force distribution are introduced
  • The horizontal load actions of wind , wave , current and ice may cause the offshore platform sliding , and the platform sliding resistance includes soil cohesion , friction and soil resistance , so the bucket foundation platform should be designed to meet the requirements of stability against sliding to ensure the overall stability of platform
  • Then , using the large - scale coarse grained soil test system , the relative density and direct shear characteristics of sand - gravel mixtures in different size distribution were tested . and the soc affecting mechanism derived from non - uniform granular material was discussed . the phenomenon can be observed that , along with the increase of non - uniform degree , the accumulate structure will become more complex , and the sliding resistance among sands will grow accordingly
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